- Moving out at the University of Aberdeen
It feels like only yesterday that I was writing about moving in at the University of Aberdeen… and now I’m …
- Bearing witness to the horrors of the past: Auschwitz-Birkenau
A few weeks ago, Alyssa and I toured Auschwitz-Birkenau while staying in Kraków, Poland. It was an unforgettable experience, and …
- One last post about Prague
Hello from the USA!!! That’s right — I’m home!!! The past couple of weeks have been BUSY. I returned to …
- Stuck in a fairy tale
In one of my most recent posts, I mentioned that wandering around Prague made me feel like I was in …
- An unexpected favorite
Welcome back! On Tuesday morning, Alyssa and I took a 7 hour train from Prague to Kraków. Our main reason …